On this page, you will find a link to one of the greatest card magic books of all time!
This book contains some of the greatest card magic secrets and card sleights of all time, as well as some card tricks. In fact, some magicians consider it a must-read, and it is one of the most referenced and quoted magic books of all-time, and is considered an extensive work on sleight of hand card magic.
(You can find a beginner’s guide to card sleight of hand on this site at Card Sleight of Hand Basics – Everything You Need to Know)
The book is The Expert At the Card Table by the great S.W. Erdnase. You can find a copy in PDF form of the original book for download here.
The Expert At the Card Table – S.W. Erdnase
Some people love to read and get a lot out of these classic books. Others might be more visual learners and prefer some visual methods of learning.
If you’ve signed up for my newsletter, I’ll be sending plenty of free tricks that you can learn by watching me on video, teaching you step-by-step. If you haven’t done so, then you can see this form right below! You can also subscribe or view the U Learn Magic YouTube channel here.

The magician started magic as a kid and has learned from some of the greats. He loves to share his knowledge with others and help out with the subtleties he’s learned along the way.
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