Order of Cards in a Deck

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In this post, we will look at the order of cards in a deck.  This includes the order of cards in a new deck, and the order of cards from least to greatest, depending on the game being played.

Order of cards in a deck

Order of Cards in a New Deck

When you get a new deck of cards, they always come preset in the same order from the factory.  The cards will be arranged by each suit, with the first and last card being Aces, and two Kings together in the very middle.

The suits will alternate by red and black color.  The order of suits might change based on the brand of cards, but we will look at the most common type of cards, Bicycle cards.

For a Bicycle cards deck, you will find that the cards are in this particular order when you deal from the top of the face-down deck.

First is the Ace through King of Hearts, followed by the Ace through King of Clubs, then the card orders reverse and you have the King through Ace of Diamonds, then the King through Ace of Spades.

New Deck Order

  • Two advertisement cards
  • Ace through King of Hearts
  • Ace through King of Clubs
  • King through Ace of Diamonds
  • King through Ace of Spades
  • Two Jokers

Bicycle New Deck Order

The Bicycle new deck order is:

  • Ace of Hearts
  • 2 of Hearts
  • 3 of Hearts
  • 4 of Hearts
  • 5 of Hearts
  • 6 of Hearts
  • 7 of Hearts
  • 8 of Hearts
  • 9 of Hearts
  • 10 of Hearts
  • Jack of Hearts
  • Queen of Hearts
  • King of Hearts
  • Ace of Clubs
  • 2 of Clubs
  • 3 of Clubs
  • 4 of Clubs
  • 5 of Clubs
  • 6 of Clubs
  • 7 of Clubs
  • 8 of Clubs
  • 9 of Clubs
  • 10 of Clubs
  • Jack of Clubs
  • Queen of Clubs
  • King of Clubs
  • King of Diamonds
  • Queen of Diamonds
  • Jack of Diamonds
  • 10 of Diamonds
  • 9 of Diamonds
  • 8 of Diamonds
  • 7 of Diamonds
  • 6 of Diamonds
  • 5 of Diamonds
  • 4 of Diamonds
  • 3 of Diamonds
  • 2 of Diamonds
  • Ace of Diamonds
  • King of Spades
  • Queen of Spades
  • Jack of Spades
  • 10 of Spades
  • 9 of Spades
  • 8 of Spades
  • 7 of Spades
  • 6 of Spades
  • 5 of Spades
  • 4 of Spades
  • 3 of Spades
  • 2 of Spades
  • Ace of Spades
  • Joker
  • Joker

Deck of Cards in Order from Least to Greatest

Throughout history, the Ace was always the lowest card in the deck (taking the place of the 1 card which it replaced in some decks) with the King being the highest.

Cards in Order of Value

The cards in order of value starting with the lowest is Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King.

  • Ace
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • Jack
  • Queen
  • King

In some games, however, the Ace is the highest card in the deck, or it can be either the highest or lowest card depending on how it’s played with other cards.

Order of Cards in Poker

The Ace is can usually the highest card in Poker, but can sometimes be played as the lowest card with a value of 1, depending on the hand.

Order of poker cards with Ace high
Poker hand with Ace being used as the highest card

The order of cards in Poker from lowest to highest goes Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace.  But when the Ace is played in a straight or straight flush with the Ace, 2, 3, 4, and 5 it is considered the lowest card below the 2.

What is the Order of Cards in Solitaire?

The order of cards in solitaire begins with the Ace as the first or lowest card, with the highest or last card being the King.  The order is Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King.

How Many Cards In a Deck?

There are 52 cards in a full deck of cards, not including the Jokers.  If you include the two Jokers, the number of cards in a deck is 54.

Learn more at How Many Cards in a Deck, How Many Cards in a Deck with Jokers and How Many Cards in a Deck without Jokers.

New Deck Order Card Trick

Although this is slightly advanced, if you do 8 perfect faro shuffles on a new deck of cards, the cards will return to the original new deck order!

This is somewhat advanced since perfect faro shuffles are difficult to do, especially 8 in a row.  But there are some advanced magicians that can do this.

Another idea is that you could also perform full deck false shuffles on a deck in new deck order, and then show the cards to still be in new deck order even after all the shuffling.  Or you could snap your fingers and pretend to set them all back in order by using magic.

(You can learn some full deck false shuffles at False Shuffles with Cards – A Guide With Tutorials)

Full Deck of Cards

A full deck of cards has different types of cards including suits, values, face cards, and non-face cards.  The total number of cards will be 52, and this will include 4 suits, with 13 cards in each suit.  These 13 value cards include 3 face cards and 10 non-face cards.  The value cards are the Ace, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen and King.

The 4 suits are the Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs and Spades.  Each suit gets the same 13 value cards.

Here is a picture of all the 52 cards in a full deck of cards.

Full deck of cards
Full deck of 52 cards, including the Jokers

See also How Many Suits are in a Deck of Cards?

How Many Hearts are in a Deck of Cards?

There are 13 Hearts in a deck of cards.  These are the Ace, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen and King of Hearts.

Learn more at How Many Hearts are in a Deck of Cards?

In fact, each of the 4 suits has the same 13 cards each.

Deck of Cards Meaning

It’s believed that the number and types of cards in a deck of cards might be related to the calendar.  There are definitely a lot of similarities between the various numbers.  See How Many Cards are in a Deck of Cards? Why this Number?

Deck of Cards Probability

A deck of cards is used a lot of times in probability questions.  You can learn more about the probability of cards at Deck of Cards Probability Explained.